SAFCA hosts an annual awards for SAFCA members (and stakeholders) to acknowledge and encourage the amazing work happening in the sector to support people in financial difficulty. All of the awards are for SAFCA members, other than the Stellar Stakeholder Service award which can be for an organisation, team or individual that has worked with SAFCA members to achieve outstanding outcomes for a client or group of clients.
SAFCA Awards
2024 SAFCA Award winners
Notable Newcomer: For a person in their first two years of Financial Counselling service delivery who is making a difference or showing promise.
Winner: Jester Cabote
Award sponsor: CatholicCare NT

Above and Beyond: For a Financial Capability Worker who is achieving outstanding outcomes through advocacy, engagement and support.
Winner: Ivory Zhang
Award sponsor: UnitingCare Wesley Bowden

Fields of Change: For outstanding achievement in regional, rural and remote (RRR) SA or NT where the worker has demonstrated exceptional service to individuals or communities by overcoming barriers experienced by RRR locations.
Winner: Libby Baldock
Award sponsor: Centacare Catholic Country SA

Inspiring Professional Supervisor: For a Financial Counselling Professional Supervisor (not line manager) who inspires and supports financial counsellors to improve their knowledge and skills to achieve better outcomes for those they seek to serve.
Winner: Sarah Warford
Award sponsor: Lutheran Care

Standing Ovation: For a Financial Counsellor in the sector who has gone beyond to support the Financial Counselling sector (through advocacy, community engagement, and an exceptional commitment to the financial counselling sector).
- Jodie Rowe (NT)
- Lloyd Wright (SA)
Award sponsor: UnitingSA

SAFCA Award booklets
Shortlisted nominees from the 2024 SAFCA Awards

Stellar Stakeholder Service Award: this year was a recognition of a number of stakeholders, as nominated by SAFCA members.
- CommBank Financial Hardship Team (Christian Shaw receiving in image below)
- Tom Cobban, Berrill & Watson Superannuation & Insurance Lawyers
- Josh Mennen, Maurice Blackburn Lawyers (being accepted by colleagues on behalf of Josh)
- Kerry Davies, Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand
- Stephanie Forde & Belinda Lambert, The Consumer Credit Law Centre of South Australia, Uniting Communities Law Centre
Pictured below L-R
Award sponsor: Anglicare SA