SAFCA holds annual conferences to bring together stakeholders from industry, government, financial services and the financial counselling sector to share information, experiences and ideas and to celebrate achievements.

SAFCA Conference 2024: Strong Foundations
This year, we held our conference at the Adelaide Oval from 11-13 November, and welcomed over 300 delegates, partners and speakers. We are thrilled with the outcome of the event and hope to welcome everyone back next time!
2024 photo library
Can you find yourself, colleagues, industry partners or presenters in these images?

Delegates took the opportunity to pose for a picture with our 2023 Conference MC, Jane Doyle.

Welcome to Country, Cliffy Wilson from Kuma Kaaru

Newly elected SAFCA Chair Samantha Forsyth delivered a moving and reflective Chairpersons welcome

FCIF CEO Elissa Freeman gave us the bigger picture of industry funding

Our MC and keynote speaker, Humour and Leadership Speaker Kate Burr

Sue Fraser OAM spoke to us about the importance of using strengths based language

The Hon. Amanda Rishworth MP opened our conference

John Morris helped us celebrate the life and achievements of Iain Henderson

Ivory Zhang from USASA provided valuable insights into the experiences of international students

"Clients might feel better talking something through with their hands". DHS's Nicole Deacon on using Lego for engagement

The Ombudsman Panel challenged and inspired

Speed dating is always a favourite with Conference delegates!

And we couldn't do it significant support of our conference partners!