Do you have a client who wants to turn their ideas, passion and skills into a small business?
Starting a business from scratch or running a newly established one is both challenging and exciting.
Good Shepherd’s LaunchMe for multicultural women program helps to develop and launch small businesses. Working with a coach, participants will gain skills, confidence and motivation to get a business up and running - quicker than doing it on their own!
LaunchMe is FREE for eligible multicultural women living in northern Adelaide
Participants receive:
- Free 1:1 personalised business coaching up to 6 months
- Tools and resources for your business to start trading
- Strategies to grow your business
- Skills and knowledge to attract clients
- Assistance towards some business costs
- Referrals to Good Shepherd's wellbeing services including financial counselling
- Access to a network of experts such as business strategists, legal practitioners and social media and marketing consultants
Find out more here:
Tags:financialwellbeingfinancial counsellingFundingGood ShepherdSmall businesswomen |