New Members Only Facebook Groups

Written on the 13 April 2021 by Kelly Higgins

We've created two Facebook groups where members can ask colleagues and peers questions about non-confidential financial counselling matters or simply share helpful information and support. One is for our members in SA and the other is for our members in the NT. 

To join a group:

  • Log into Facebook
  • Search for the group you would like to join SAFCA-SA Members or SAFCA-NT Members
  • This will bring up a welcome page with a cover featuring a group photo of our board members.
  • Tick Request to Join.
  • This will send me notification of your request that I will respond to (if not that day, then shortly afterwards).

The groups are only open to SAFCA members. Only members of the group can see what is posted on the closed page and nothing on the page will be able to be shared or re-posted on to another Facebook page. 

If you have any questions about the page, please feel free to email me at

Author:Kelly Higgins


15-17 Glynburn Road
Glynde SA 5070