Membership & FCA Toolkit update

Written on the 16 April 2020 by SAFCA

SAFCA Membership online for 2020/21

SAFCA is pleased to inform that an online application process is in the final stages of development and will be available from mid-May onwards via the SAFCA website.   All current members will receive an email with a link to the application page at this time.

There will be a facility to take credit card payments but also the option to choose to pay on invoice, which will be automatically generated and emailed once the application form has been submitted.

If you have any further queries with regard to the new process, please do not hesitate to contact  Sue works part-time - Tuesday and Wednesday each week.

FCA Third Party Authority form

FCA has been working with the ABA, EDR schemes and telcos to develop an agreed and simplified financial counselling agency authorisation form.

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FCA - Financial counselling in the Covid-19 Pandemic

FCA has written a comprehensive guide that walks you through how to best deliver financial counselling in this stressful, constantly changing environment.

The guide explains how to reassure clients in the short term of what is likely to happen to their debts;how enforcement procedures and debt collection will change; and more

The guide also includes important information from AFSA on what temporary changes it has introduced to ensure you can still support clients when you can't provide financial counselling in person.

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15-17 Glynburn Road
Glynde SA 5070