Introducing AGL's Industry Advocate

Written on the 28 May 2020 by SAFCA

As Australia's largest private electricity generator and with 3.7 million customer accounts, AGL understands our responsibility to our customers and the communities we operate in.

That's why we've appointed a Customer Advocate, to promote fairness and build trust, representing the interests of our customers within our business. 

Read more below - 'Introducing AGL's Customer Advocate'

From AGL

As Australia's largest private electricity generator and with 3.7 million customer accounts, AGL understands our responsibility to our customers and the communities we operate in.

That's why we've appointed a Customer Advocate, to promote fairness and build trust, representing the interests of our customers within our business.

We understand that like anyone, our customers may face challenges and hardship throughout of their life. Our Staying Connected and Payment Support Victoria programs, as well as our Family and Domestic Violence Policy enables us to support thousands of customers across Australia when they need it most. In addition, our COVID-19 Customer Support Program provides specific relief for customers impacted by the current coronavirus pandemic.

Your financial counselling services play a critical role in providing much needed support to our most vulnerable customers and to support you in that work, we have a dedicated Staying Connected team that can review matters for your clients. They are available Mondays to Fridays from 8.00am to 6.00pm on 1300 659 925.

If you are unable to resolve your client's issues through our Staying Connected team, we have a new escalation pathway where a specialised team representing our Customer Advocate will contact you promptly to assist. Email your matter to and a review will be conducted, with results of that review binding on AGL but not on your client.

When requesting a review, our team will investigate the circumstances to date and work with you to reach a fair and reasonable outcome for all parties. Our commitment is to contact you within 1 business day, and to resolve the matter within 10 business days.

AGL is also exploring the creation of an online digital portal for financial counsellors. While early in the planning stages, we believe this will help financial counsellors and AGL to better case manage customer files.

Thank you for your continued efforts in supporting our customers and the wider community, especially during these challenging times. If you would like more information about our Customer Advocate review pathway, please get in touch.

We look forward to continuing to work with you and support our customers.

Yours sincerely

David Bland
AGL Customer Advocate




15-17 Glynburn Road
Glynde SA 5070