A focus on FDV Services and Awareness

Written on the 4 June 2024 by SAFCA

DV Alert

Training by DV Alert: Understand the complexities of domestic and family violence by attending DV-alert workshops. You will be equipped with essential knowledge of recognising the signs of domestic and family violence and what to do next. Filtered optoins for SA & NT, and online, here.

DV Safe Phone

DV Safe Phone collects, repairs and gives free mobile phones to domestic violence survivors, through over 360 Domestic Violence and Law Enforcement Agencies, Safe Houses and Hospitals Australia -wide.

DV Safe Phone does not provide phones directly to individuals. They provide them to front line agencies and services trained to offer specialised domestic and family violence support. You can find some of the amazing organisations who work tirelessly in the domestic violence support sector AND have received tested DV Safe Phones, via The HALT MAP PROJECT.

If you are an AGENCY seeking a DV Safe Phone to gift to a client in need, or would like to register your agency to become a distribution point for safe phones, you're invited you to join the growing network via the HALT MAP PROJECT.


Escabags is an Australian registered charity who distribute ‘Escape Bags’ for victims fleeing domestic and family abuse.

Each ‘Escape Bag’ contains high-quality products as we understand the importance of feeling comforted and worthy in a crisis. ‘Escape Bags’ are not gender-specific and, by providing two variations, ‘Parent and Child’ and ‘Single Adult’, proudly cater for ALL victims of abuse.

Visit the Stockist's page here to find Escabags for a client, contact or friend, or sign up (same link) to become a stockist. 

Thanks to UCWB for sharing information about Escabags and DV Safe Phone with us. 



15-17 Glynburn Road
Glynde SA 5070